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Este é um dos métodos de caixa mais conhecidos e usados de todos os tempos! Contém centenas de ritmos, do básico ao avançado, arranjados em forma de exercícios diários e indicado para dar ao estudante total controle das baquetas, tanto nos rudimentos como no jazz moderno. Inclui ainda exercícios especiais para o desenvolvimento da velocidade, força, resistência, precisão de execução e coordenação muscular, sutileza. Em 1993, a revista Modern Drummer classificou Stick Control como um dos 25 melhores livros de ensino de bateria de todos os tempos.
Ed. Ludwig
Sinospe Original:
This one of those books that has survived the the test of time. One of the most popular snare drum books used by countless teachers. This is an advanced book of drum rhytms arranged in calisthenic form designed to give the player a more complete control of the drumsticks in rudimental, symphonic and modern jazz drumming. With special exercises for speed , power, precision, delicacy and the development of the weak hand.
George Lawrence Stone's Stick Control is the original classic, often called the bible of drumming. In 1993, Modern Drummer magazine named the book one of the top 25 books of all-time. In the words of the author, it is the ideal book for improving "control, speed, flexibility, touch, rhythm, lightness, delicacy, power, endurance, preciseness of execution and muscular coordination," with extra attention given to the development of the weak hand. This indispensable book for drummers of all types includes hundreds of basic to advanced-level rhythms, moving through categories of single-beat combinations, triplets, short roll combinations, flam beats, flam triplets and dotted notes, and short roll progressions.