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Muitos guitarristas conhecem várias escalas, mas quantos realmente sabem o que fazer com elas? Guitarist's Guide to Scales Over Chords ensina como aplicar as escalas mais utilizadas de forma musical. Este livro examina como escalas e acordes estão estreitamente ligados e como esse relacionamento é a chave para a elaboração de solos memoráveis. O livro abrange 14 escalas, e o audio online contém 99 faixas, incluindo 15 progressões e backing tracks para a prática. As faixas de áudio estão disponíveis online, juntamente com um player digital multifuncional (Playback+), que permite alterar o andamento sem alterar o tom, definir pontos específicos para tocar (loop), alterar o tom, além de balanço direita/esquerda.
Audio Online
Hal Leonard
Sinopse Original:
Lots of guitar players know several scales, but how many really know what to do with them? With Guitarist's Guide to Scales Over Chords, you'll learn how to apply the most commonly used scales in a musical manner. This book examines how scales and chords are closely linked and how this relationship is key to crafting memorable, intelligent solos. If you've been stuck in a pentatonic rut, or you feel that you're constantly relying on the same old patterns, this is the book for you! The book covers 14 scales in detail, and the audio contains 99 tracks, including 15 backing track progressions for practice. The audio is accessed online using the unique code inside each book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.