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Aprenda a improvisar no jazz, ritmos latinos, fusion, blues e rock em todas as tonalidades com este método. Com este livro você desenvolverá sua performance e composição, a leitura, técnica, ritmos sincopados e outros tópicos. Jeff Harrington é professor do Berklee College of Music e tocou com artistas como Ricky Ford, Milt Hinton, Toots Thielemans e Makoto Ozone.
Hal Leonard
Berklee Press
Sinopse Original:
Learn to play the blues in several styles—jazz, Latin, fusion, rock, and funk—in all keys with step-by-step instructions, practice tips, and a play-along CD. Even if you are a complete beginner, this easy-to-understand instructional guide will get you improvising in no time!
You'll learn how to:
.Create killer solos using the hundreds of great licks included
.Get the sound of the blues under your fingers and into your ears, so you can keep your playing fresh, spontaneous, and original
.Improve your sound, phrasing, and rhythm through technical studies and rhythmic exercises
.Increase your confidence as an improviser using the practice routines in every section
.Jam in a variety of styles with the rhythm section on the play-along CD
Develop essential skills in reading, technique, listening, rhythmic syncopation, performance, and solo composition. Learn to improvise over 12-bar blues in all keys and bring your musical ideas to life!